My nameis JantiraPongprapan My nickname is Yai.I'm 17 years old.I was born on 10th of September2001 I'm from Thailand. I live Changklang.I finished Pratom 6 from
Wadcandi School.
And Mathaym 3 from Wadcandi school. Now I'm studing in 6/1 at Changklangprachanukul school. My major is Math and Sience.
ððąMy family has father and brother. My father's name is Marwin Pongprapan . Now my father is 39 years old. My brother's name is Xphisithatis Pongprapan. my brother is 7 years old.
My favourite color is four black. My favourite pet is dogs. My favourite food is Noodle. I don't like playing sports. I like to eat applefavorite subject is Chemisty.
Motto does not have to think about the future,just do the best to day.